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With a name such as this, it’s pretty obvious what can be found on Babes Network. The primary niches that it covers are all about glamor models and hardcore sex. And the number of said models is quite high too, having no less than 370+ babes starring in their own scenes. It should be added that what’s in the site’s collections cannot be viewed anywhere else, meaning that exclusivity is a factor with their content here.
Babes Network has a nice and elegant design with previews of the scenes on the front page. And as it can be seen, it’s really easy to navigate too, never letting the user get lost around the site, always providing a way to get back to the main page, just in case. The number of scenes are quite high, having no less than 670+ video scenes to enjoy and also 660+ picture galleries with quite a nigh number of crystal clear images inside. The videos are approximately 25 minutes long each and each and every image gallery has around 200 pictures. So yeah, that’s quite a lot of content to go through. But that collection just gets bigger as the updates come very often, at around 1 new video or 1 new photo set every day, seven days a week. So with 7 updates per week, that collection keeps growing at a fast rate.
For the quality itself, the videos have a standard 720p quality in the flash player for the browser version. Now of course, there’s also the option to get the said videos on your machine, and in that regard, you can enjoy the full 1080p quality in both WMV and MP4 formats at bitrates higher than 5000. And the images follow in the same line, with the ones that are viewed on the site being at a reasonably decent resolution, and full resolution and crystal clear with almost no editing done when one chooses to download them in their respective zip files. One more thing to note, is that the speeds that Babes Network supports are nice and fast and there’s also no download limit put on the content what so ever. And the site itself has a mobile version that can be viewed on all smart phones and other mobile devices as such in the same HD quality.
As the last bonuses, the Babes Network subscription model is the monthly one, with the basic costing just $19.95 . Of course, the longer the subscription plan is made for, the less you pay per month. Meaning that at the yearly sub, you pay just under $10 per month. But in case anyone wants to test the site and it’s functions, you can also have a trial membership, costing just $4.95 and that lets you enjoy the site for 2 days. Also, the sub for this site, also nets you access to two other exclusive bonus sites.
" It's all about glamor models and hardcore sex! "
Our Price:$8.33
Our Price:$17.95
Our Price:$59.95
With a name such as this, it’s pretty obvious what can be found on this site. The primary niches that it covers are all about glamor models and hardcore sex. And the number of said models is quite high too, having no less than 370+ babes starring in their own scenes. It should be added that what’s in the site’s collections cannot be viewed anywhere else, meaning that exclusivity is a factor with their content here.
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