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Put plain and simple, Fuck Star Movies is a site that has a pretty big collection of movie remakes in porn style. Obviously they are suppose to be parodies too and they’re pretty good, on top of that having the naughty action go down is a plus. The main niches are porn stars and hard core content as what they cover usually features just that. The updates come at an interval of a few days with some new videos or photo sets added each time, sometimes even arriving combined in mega updates. So that makes the collection grow even bigger with time.
The Fuck Star Movies design is simple, easy to follow and there’s no chance in hell to get lost around the site, even going as far as having the movies themselves categorized for easy usage under genres. There’s even a tour option that shows you some of the best movies that they have laying around. The videos of the site itself, total over a thousand easy and there are many more image collections to see as well. And once you set up an account, access is granted to all of them without delay. There’s many of them that parody big movies, some of them being Top Hung, Eyes Wide Slut and many more. There’s also a mobile version for the site if there’s a need for that porn on the go and all of the movies are exclusive to this site only. Meaning they won’t be featured anywhere else.
For quality, generally the images on the site are at around 1000+ pixels but they vary. Now the real quality comes when you get those image galleries in zip files on your machine, allowing you to enjoy them in full resolutions up to 3000 pixels and more. And the Fuck Star Movies videos themselves are even better, streaming at 720p quality on the site itself in the flash player, but allowing you to get them downloaded in MP4 and WMV formats as well at high bitrates, and of course true HD quality at 1080p. Pair all that with the fact that there’s tons of top porn stars as the models and this is one of the best places around the net to be on. There’s of course, no download limit put on the content, so it can easily be enjoyed as much as anyone wants at their own discretion. On top of that the site is really secure and safe from any malware or spyware.
Being part of the huge Brazzers network has it’s quirks though. As it’s not limited to just quality service. That means that the subscription is quite low, at around 19.95 $ a month, and not only do you get access to Fuck Star Movies, but also a whole other collection of bonus sites. That means that this one sub, can be used to access those too. Great value for the exclusive content that’s featured around this site and the others.
" The Best XXX Parodies "
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Put plain and simple, Fuck Star Movies is a site that has a pretty big collection of movie remakes in porn style. Obviously they are suppose to be parodies too and they’re pretty good, on top of that having the naughty action go down is a plus. The main niches are porn stars and hard core content as what they cover usually features just that. The updates come at an interval of a few days with some new videos or photo sets added each time, sometimes even arriving combined in mega updates. So that makes the collection grow even bigger with time.
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