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Digital Playground is one of the best adult movies website in HD where you are going to find the hottest porn stars. With over 300 award winning movies and exclusive contents, here you will have weekly updates to watch and enjoy! And these guys have covered all possible things that you might want to watch: from masturbation scenes, to lesbian sex, anal and threesomes.
The porn collection includes more than 900 girls in about 3.100 scenes, 490 full length movies, 1.300 DVDs and more than 10.000 pictures in high resolution. There are also available lots of behind the scene footages and interviews; there is also a special area with live cam feeds.
These gorgeous girls can be sorted by their recent activity, by the highest rated movies, by most viewed scenes and by number of videos. Users can also sort them in alphabetical order or filter them by DP legends, by male talent or exclusive girls. There are a large variety of chicks, with natural tits, fake boobs, tattoos and so on.
On every chick’s page you can find details like name, date of birth, birth place, height, weight, measurements and a small part with bio. Users can also choose between multiple content in which the babe appears: scenes, movies, galleries, series and other. There are different tags attributed to each chick. On the same page you can like the like the babe, add her to your favorites, comment on her profile or buy the blue ray/DVD in which she appears.
The Digital Playground videos, the series, the movies and the behind the scenes area can be sorted by date, by release date, by the highest rated scenes, by the most viewed movies, in alphabetical order or random. They can be viewed in flash streaming in multiple quality resolutions.
Every Digital Playground scene has a photo set of images. These photos are taken by professionals and can be downloaded in ZIP files. The scene contains limited information like the release date, its runtime, the synopsis and the tagged porn stars. Users can also see the trailer, like the scene, add it to favorites, comment upon it, view series info, tags, view episodes or galleries. On the same page, you will find other related video trailers to watch.
There is also a tags area on the website where you can choose a category and see the movies where these words were tagged. You can sort them in alphabetical order or by the number of videos. Users will also find a store area where they have the possibility to buy different stuff.
Other important things to mention are that while browsing all around, you can jump to the first and to the last page anytime. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram, Iconosquare accounts are linked to the website area.
If seeing hot and well known porn actresses is what you want, Digital Playground is the perfect place where you can enjoy them in HD! And trust me, it does worth it!
" The Hottest Pornstars in Hardcore Scenes! "
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Digital Playground is one of the best adult movies website in HD where you are going to find the hottest porn stars. With over 300 award winning movies and exclusive contents, here you will have weekly updates to watch and enjoy! And these guys have covered all possible things that you might want to watch: from masturbation scenes, to lesbian sex, anal and threesomes.
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